
# Title of the Talks Page No Download
1 Dr Ray Leonard
Climate Change, Covid-19 and Their Effect on Energy’s Future
5 Download
2 Dr David Dave White
Discovery: Reduction in photosynthesis correlation to carbon dioxide increase.
6 Download
3 Dr Marc A Rosen
Sustainable Engineering: A Central Driver for Sustainability
8 Download
4 Dr D Rajan
Evaluating the diurnal variability of NCMRWF model precipitation
9 Download
5 Dr Claire Atkins-Davis
Analyzing the Role of Vessel-Based Tourism on Masking on Antarctic Humpback Whales: A Petition for Management Solutions for Underwater Noise and Regulation of Antarctic Tourism
11 Download
6 Miss Ayat-allah Bouramdane
Comparing the integration of Concentrated Solar Power with Thermal Energy Storage to Utility-scale Photovoltaic with battery storage in the Moroccan Renewable Energy Mix: Design, Dispatch and Optimal Mix analysis
12 Download
7 Mr Amans Ntakarutimana
The value of monitoring data in a process community education implementation and evaluation
14 Download
8 Mr David Esteban Carchi Maurat
Iron based nanomaterials for cadmium (II) immobilization in water and soil.
15 Download
9 Mr Anthony Kwabena Sarfo
Flood Discourse in Ghana: Identification of Naturally Susceptible Urban Areas in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana
16 Download
10 Dr Fabrizio Ambrosino
Continuous radon monitoring during seven years (2011-2017) of volcanic unrest at Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy)
17 Download
11 Dr Luis Campos Saavedra
The Economy of the Common Good at the community level
18 Download
12 Prof dr Otilia MANTA
The concept of cosmo-bio-economy and models of collaborative sustainable development
21 Download
13 Dr Mostafa Yuness Abdelfatah Mostafa
Effects of different types of Fertilizers on the Radioactivity in farm soil in Iraq
22 Download
